<figure class="image"> </figure><p style="text-align:center;"><strong> • Best restaurants. </strong><i>"Some are relatively recent openings, others are classics for a reason. Whichever you pick, all of them are pioneers when it comes to what it means to eat well in London – from bombastic Indian flavours to kitchens pushing the boundaries of sustainability, and from blowout tasting menus to cheap eats you'll want to keep to yourself. All have been reviewed by our team to make this list of London's best restaurants."..."Every restaurant on this list has been selected independently by our editors and written by a Condé Nast Traveller journalist who knows the destination and has eaten at that restaurant. When choosing restaurants, our editors consider both high end and affordable eateries that offer an authentic and insider experience of a destination. We’re always looking for stand-out dishes, a great location and warm service – as well as serious sustainability credentials." </i>Kanontips<i> </i>på restauranger (närmare bestämt 74 stycken) i Londons kvarter till höstens weekendresa. Kolla in adresser att besöka, <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.cntraveller.com/gallery/best-restaurants-london">HÄR</a>. </p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>• Tasty recipe.</strong> Det nalkas plommontider. En enkel kaka med sin smöriga, smuliga mördegsbotten, ett lager syrliga plommon och en skvätt kexsmulor ovanpå. Sugen på det <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.theguardian.com/food/article/2024/aug/18/nigel-slaters-recipes-for-roast-chicken-and-peach-salad-and-a-plum-shortcake">HÄR</a> receptet. </p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>• Latest headlines. </strong>Läser jag ur Time Magazine. Klicka <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://time.com/magazine/us/7011441/august-26th-2024-vol-204-no-5-u-s/">HÄR</a> för en av utgåvans digitala läsningar. </p>