<figure class="image"> </figure><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>• Global christmas markets</strong>. <i>"The history of European Christmas markets have become so entwined with our celebrations of the festive season. Each year, we await the announcement of opening dates with bated breath, eager to feast on gooey, melted raclette, hot dogs, freshly made Christmas buns and hot chocolate with all the festive spices. Today, Europe's sought-after Christmas markets continue to embody this traditional and cosy charm – where countless generations have come together to preserve the spirit and warmth of winter seasons."</i> Beroende på vart ni befinner er i jul, ta del av de lokala julmarknaderna nära er, lyssna på de gamla berättelserna om Sankt Nikolaus och hitta unika hantverk som blir besökets speciella souvenirer. De bästa marknaderna runtom Europa, listas <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.cntraveller.com/gallery/best-christmas-markets-europe">HÄR</a> av Conde Nast Traveller. </p><p style="text-align:center;">• <strong>Cover of the month</strong>. <i>“A Seasonal Delivery. As soon as December rolls around, children everywhere start keeping an eye out for the iconic red-and-white Santa outfit. And there is perhaps nothing that preoccupies their imaginations more than the logistics of a visit from Santa. For the cover of the December 16, 2024, issue, Eric Drooker turned to his early memories. “How will Santa get into the apartment? I hope he knows which elevator button to push.” </i>Månadens omslag hittar ni <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cover-story/cover-story-2024-12-16">HÄR</a>. </p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>• Tasty winter dessert.</strong> Vi gillar när det går snabbt och enkelt i köket. Sugen på det <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.theguardian.com/food/2024/dec/15/chocolate-clementine-cassata-semifreddo-recipe-georgina-hayden">HÄR</a> receptet som förvaras i frysen fram till servering. En festlig glasspudding för både syn- och smaksinnet som ger en härlig smaksensation med flera julsmaker. Glasspuddingen kallas 'semifreddo' och får gärna dekoreras med skivor av grapefrukt eller clementiner och rikligt med chokladglasyr. </p>