<figure class="image"> </figure><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>• Music topic. </strong>Ingen har väl missat att världsstjärnan Taylor Swift varit på besök i helgen? Hennes första show på Friends Arena ryktas tagit nytt historiskt besöksrekord. Vogue Scandinavia listar ett par hyllingshändelser och ändringar från Swifts första kväll av showen 'Eras Tour'. <i>"Swift's first show in Stockholm drew people from 130 different countries and was the most attended ever in Friends Arena, no small feat since it also happens to be the biggest stadium in Scandinavia. This could mean it's also the most attended show ever in Scandinavia, a record Håkan Hellström has held since 2022. Swift then promised never to exclude Sweden from her tour schedule again..."</i> Läs mer <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.voguescandinavia.com/articles/the-5-key-takeaways-from-taylor-swifts-first-stockholm-show">HÄR</a>. </p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>• Summer issue.</strong> <i>"Envelopes, please. Issue nº 29 has on its cover the comedy genius Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who holds the record for most Emmy wins in an acting role."..."Alongside Julia, the Convenience Store Woman author Sayaka Murata explains why her bestselling books are fish tanks, the Alabama shaker and ace songwriter Brittany Howard is plotting her comeback in Nashville"..."Fashions-wise, the forecast is scorchio, with modish propositions – from high-altitude Celine to low-slung summer leather – styled and photographed by the leading image makers of the day. Plus: probing Q&As with the girl group Bananarama, the hiking collective Athene Club, the casting director Julia Lange, the chef Angela Hartnett, Modern Details for good living and an instructive meditation on the art of solo travel. Bon voyage, sisters!</i>" Klicka <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://thegentlewoman.co.uk/magazine">HÄR</a> för sommarens utgåva av The Gentlewoman. </p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>• Seasonal recipes. </strong>Broccoli- och ricottapizza, grillad romansallad med ärtor och fetaost, sparrisnudlar. Fräscha recept där säsongsgrönsakerna är hjärtat i recepten, för en första sommarpicknick. Ta det av recepten du med <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.theguardian.com/food/2024/may/08/ravinder-bhogal-spring-vegetable-recipes-asparagus-noodles-picnic-pizza-grilled-cos-noodles-asparagus">HÄR</a>. </p>