Har du tittat in på Sofis Snapshots genom åren så vet du att den här ön är en favorit. I min bok Ready for takeoff hittar du dessutom recept och tips från mitt lilla sommarparadis. Drinkar med sting och vackra vyer utlovas. Veckans utflykt/bästa minnen är signerade Port-Cros! ____ Port-Cros National Park (French: Parc national de Port-Cros) is a French national parkestablished on the Mediterranean island of Port-Cros, east of Toulon. It also administers natural areas in some surrounding locales. It was founded in 1963 after the island of Port-Cros was bequeathed to the state. The state is the sole land owner on the island, which is a natural protected area. There are strict behavior rules for the few inhabitants as well as daily tourists there. Sea bathing is admitted on three beaches only and smoking or taking dogs can be fined extensively.